Flavored Sea Salt

Sea salt –  from the evaporation of sea water avoiding the refinement process of common table salt and has more minerals.
Algarve sea salt is rich in useful minerals necessary for health, which gives it an advantage over refined salt, being a natural source of iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, sodium, calcium, potassium and copper.
Hands on Earth prepares mixtures of sea salt with aromatic herbs and other horticultural products to season food.


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15 products

sal marinho com limao biologicoOrganic Sea Salt with Lemon, 120g bottle
sal marinho com pimenta e alecrimSea Salt with Pepper and Rosemary, 130g jar
sal marinho com limao e pimentaSea Salt with Pepper and Lemon, 130g jar
sal marinho com pimento e chiliSea Salt with Organic Pepper, 115g jar
sal marinho fumadoSmoked Sea Salt, 120g jar
sal marinho com laranja e gengibreSea Salt with Orange and Organic Ginger, 120g jar
sal marinho com azeitona verde biologicaSea Salt with Organic Green Olives, 120g bottle
sal marinho com azeitona preta biologicaSea Salt with Organic Black Olives, 120g jar
sal marinho com alho biologicoSea Salt with Dried Organic Garlic, 120g jar
Mixture for Pork with Sea Salt, 120g jar Mixture for Pork with Sea Salt, 120g jar
Fish Mix with Sea Salt, 110g bottle Fish Mix with Sea Salt, 110g bottle
sal marinho aromatizado para carneMeat Mix with Sea Salt, 130g bottle
sal marinho aromatizado para carnes de cacaHunting Mix with Sea Salt, 120g bottle
sal marinho aromatizado para cabritoMix for Goat with Sea Salt, 120g bottle
sal aromatizado para temperar avesPoultry Mix with Sea Salt, 120g bottle